home & product owners

How It Works

Selling with Sell It All - Simplifying Your Transition

how it works


Ready to Sell? Let's Begin:

Whether you're relocating, redecorating, or simply decluttering, Sell It All is your trusted partner. Gather your home goods for sale and get ready to embark on a seamless selling journey.

Capture the Essence:

Take clear, high-quality pictures of your home goods. Showcase their unique features and let their stories shine through the lens. For electronics, appliances, or items with a plug outlet, be prepared for a video test to ensure everything is in working order.

Send via WhatsApp:

Share your pictures or video tests with us through WhatsApp. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way. Feel free to ask any questions, and we'll guide you through the process.

Management Review:

Our Sell It All management team will carefully review the items you've submitted. We'll ensure that each piece meets our quality standards and can be a valued addition to someone's home.

Approval and Loading:

Once approved, your items will be loaded onto our shop, ready for potential buyers to discover. We provide dedicated selling assistance to showcase your items in the best light.

Video Test (if applicable):

For items requiring a video test, our team will work with you to conduct the necessary checks. This step ensures transparency and helps buyers make informed decisions.

Sit Back and Relax:

Let Sell It All handle the selling process for you. We'll connect your items with interested buyers, making the selling experience effortless for you.

Celebrate the Transition:

As your items find new homes, celebrate the successful transition. Sell It All is here to make your selling experience smooth and rewarding. Join us in giving your pre-loved home goods a chance for a new beginning! Your items' next chapter begins here!